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By Raman Das Mahatyagi Published June 2, 2014 in

How To Rejuvenate The Body


We are inundated with so much information – and misinformation – from the media about the life-extending properties of a variety of nutritional supplements, it is hardly surprising that practitioners are frequently asked for advice regarding the best supplements to take regularly. Certainly, a lot of quality research could be considered to back up the claims made by the supplement industry. For example, the Omega 3 found in fish oils  and in flax seed has long been known to be beneficial to the brain and  blood circulation. CoQ10, present in every living cell but declining with age, is often referred to as the energy spark plug. More recently, DHEA has been touted as the ultimate rejuvenating hormone.

While the research findings may be accurate, the problem lies in the fact that no single supplement used in isolation can do an adequate job. While Omega 3 and CoQ10  are known to be beneficial to the brain, it requires many other  nutrients to be supplied at the same time. Also, there is a need to understand how, when and in what form  the nutrients should be supplied. For example, in older age the body becomes less capable of absorbing flax seed oil, so that there is a strong possibility of it clogging the system and slowing down the metabolism, affecting thyroid function.

As far as DHEA is concerned, we do not yet know the full story with regard to the dangers of hormone supplementation, but there is no real difference between DHEA, anabolic steroids, the birth control pill and HRT, in that they are all neurotoxic. Their ultimate effect is to lock up the receptor sites in the body and to prevent the body’s self-regulatory systems from keeping the hormones in balance.

So what is Ayurveda’s solution to rejuvenation? Kaya Kalpa is the ancient  Ayurvedic science of rejuvenation. Following a process of deep cleansing (Panchakarma) the body is supplied with highly nourishing foods, and herbal tonics are supplied where required. This procedure is followed every winter and continues for three months. It has the benefit of ensuring that all the body’s systems are working optimally – a status which can then be maintained by eating appropriate foods at the correct times. By encouraging the growth of new cells the aging process is slowed down dramatically. Such a result can only be achieved through a whole system approach, failing which an improvement might be felt in one area while there is a deterioration in others.

Image courtesy of Yai Sirichal/