Misconceptions about Rejuvenation
How The YATAN Rejuvenation Program is Different Rejuvenation has become a buzzword in recent years, especially among women who are constantly seeking that one Holy Grail product that will help...
Get Healthy Now…For a Longer, Disease Free Life
Australia’s population is aging, and half are now older than 37. 15% (that’s 3.7 million) are over 65. As life expectancy increases, and lifestyles have changed, many age-related and chronic...
Total Health Management
You’ve by no doubt heard this type of question many times: “I always eat organic food so why am I constantly feeling unwell?” The simple answer is that no matter...
The Whys And Wherefores Of YATAN Lifestyle Kits
It has long been known that all living systems, animal and plant, are subject to rhythmic changes. The most obvious of these are circadian rhythms, which work on a 24...
The Key To Perfect Health
Ask anybody what they consider to be the best way to perfect health. The chances are that the answer will be a good diet and plenty of exercises. In fact,...