Yatan Dental Care Kit – for Fresh Breath,Teeth Whitening and Good Oral Hygiene


Do you suffer with:

  • bad breath
  • teeth stains from coffee, tea and other foods
  • plaque build up and
  • a coating on your tongue?

Then the Yatan Dental Care Kit provides a complete Ayurvedic solution to strong, white teeth, fresh breath & healthy gums.

For good oral hygiene & a sparkling smile, use daily! 

Save 15% by purchasing the complete dental care and oral hygiene kit which includes:




Did you know that the mouth is home to a complex, diverse and abundant colony of microflora which adheres to the tongue, cheeks and gums as well as to the teeth? 

While most of the microflora is essential to our body some of it can be problematic for your teeth and gums if allowed to become predominant, increasing the possibility of dental caries, bad breath (halitosis) and gum disease such as gingivitis or peridontitist.

You may find your taste buds become less sensitive and nausea can result from the constant bad taste in your mouth. As the situation worsens, ama can spread to any part of the head – including the throat, sinuses – as well as being swallowed into the digestive tract. So it is important to take care of your gums and their environment by keeping oral flora balanced.

Our simple 3 step routine every morning will help keep those bad bacteria numbers down, and ensure your gums stay healthy and teeth clean and white.

  1. Gently scrape your tongue using the Yatan Tongue Scraper – it will efficiently remove any built up coating on your tongue, which can cause bad breath.
  2. Clean your teeth using our Ayurvedic Herbal Tooth Powder – simply dip a moistened toothbrush into a small amount of the powder and brush your teeth, or  wet your finger and use it to massage some tooth powder along your teeth and gums.  Rinse your mouth.
  3.  Massage a small amount of gum massage oil along your gums for a few minutes or swish a small amount mixed with warm water around your mouth then spit out.

Then you are done!

For more information on each product be sure to check out the individual product pages.


  • Yatan Ayurvedic Gum Massage Oil :  Black Sesame Oil, Khadira, Manjistha, Mulethi, Ela
  • Yatan Ayurvedic Herbal Tooth Powder :  Twak, Alum, Rock Salt, Eucalytpus oil, Mentha, Clove
  • Yatan Tongue Scraper : 18/8 stainless steel

Additional information

Weight 200 g
Dimensions 22 × 16 × 7.7 cm