Ayurvedic Treatment to Prevent Weight Gain Caused by Stress
Ayurvedic Treatment to Prevent Weight Gain Caused by Stress Do you binge on cakes and chips when you’re stressed out? Do you rush to the fridge for some ice-cream or...
What’s Different about the Yatan Weight Loss Program?
The media are awash with weight loss programs and confusion reigns about which are the best. Sadly, a close inspection will reveal that they are not generally based on sound science....
Ayurvedic Treatment For Snoring
Snoring is the name given to the snorting or rattling noise made by many people when they breathe during sleep. It is caused by the vibration of the soft tissue...
Weight Loss Diet Plan & Exercise Programs- Treatment For Fat Accumulation
One size definitely does not fit all in weight loss programs. What makes it so complex is the many variations in the ways that people accumulate fat in their bodies...
Best Weight Loss Exercise Programs and Diet Plans
Men and women have different ways of accumulating weight. The process may be so gradual as not to be noticed at first. The places in which weight is accumulated also...
Insomnia – When Just Counting Sheep Isn′t Enough
Just as we need a wholesome diet for good health and longevity, so do we require adequate, good quality sleep, yet chronic insomnia is estimated to affect as many as...
Don′t Shoot the Messenger – Dealing with Cholesterol
Cholesterol has a bad press, yet it is one of the most important substances produced in the human body. It is involved in the formation of new cell membranes, and...
Are Your Adrenals Exhausted?
Where are my adrenals, and why do I need them? The adrenals are two small glands, one sitting on the top of each kidney. They have a number of important...