sinus problems Heal and Bloom

Acute sinusitis -Image-1

Is Sinusitis Contagious?

The Ayurvedic Approach to Treating and Beating Sinus Infections Do you frequently get a blocked or runny nose? Do you sneeze repeatedly? Do you get sinus pain or sinus headaches?...
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Are Sinusitis and Sinus Infection the Same?

Are you wondering what the difference between sinusitis and sinus infection is? While both produce similar symptoms, there is a slight difference; knowing this difference is key to treating the...
Ayurvedic treatment of sinusitis allergies and hayfever

Everything You Need To Know About Sinusitis

What are Sinuses and Sinusitis? Sinuses are hollow cavities which are situated in the cheeks, forehead, within the skull, and between and behind the eyes lined with tissue called mucosa....

Complete Beginner’s Guide to the Neti Pot – A Natural Nasal Irrigation Device

What exactly is a Neti Pot? The Neti Pot, a small pot with a spout, is the cornerstone of nasal irrigation, and provides a simple and effective way to perform...

Ayurvedic Treatment For Hay Fever

Ayurvedic Treatment For Hay Fever Hay fever is a common allergic condition that is estimated to affect as many as one in five people at some stage. It can be...

How To Clear A Blocked Nose? Nasal polyps (Irrigation) Treatment

Nasal polyps are abnormal growths of tissue within the nasal passages and the sinuses. Although orthodox medicine is not clear as to the cause of these protrusions in the mucus...

The Many Benefits Of The Neti Pot

Nasal cleansing with the Neti pot has been a traditional part of the yogic system for thousands of years, but recent scientific knowledge enables us to understand much more clearly...

Sinusitis – Your Ayurvedic Treatment Plan

What makes Ayurvedic Sinusitis Treatment so different from the mainstream approach? What do we do, how do we do it, and why? It is a core principle of Ayurveda that no...

Ayurveda And The Long – Term Consequences Of Sinusitis

It is common practice nowadays to consider only the immediate effects of sickness, and in fact we are encouraged in this by mainstream medicine, which offers us medicines to alleviate...

Banishing The Misery Of Sinusitis

Sinusitis is one of the commonest health concerns worldwide. It causes the sinuses – the air-filled cavities in the bones of the face – to become congested, and the mucus...