Ayurvedic Body Type: Vata
Introduction to Vata dosha Vata is one of the three primary doshas as described in Ayurveda. The vata dosha is made up of air and ether. The elements of nature,...
Ayurvedic Body Type : Pitta
Introduction to Pitta dosha Pitta dosha is one of the three main doshas in Ayurveda, and it represents the fire element in the body. It is responsible for significant bodily...
Ayurvedic Body Type : Kapha
Introduction to Kapha dosha Kapha is one of the main doshas in Ayurveda. It is representative of the water and earth elements. The characteristics of Kapha are marked by qualities...
Natural Way To Get Rid of Amenorrhea, Ayurvedic Treatment
Amenorrhea Restore Your Absent, Late, or Irregular Menstrual Cycle with Ayurveda Amenorrhea is the absence of a woman’s menstruation. This can occur during puberty when the first period is belated...
The Real Causes of Autoimmune Diseases – An Ayurvedic Perspective
3 Reasons You’re Struggling to Heal Autoimmune Diseases Autoimmune diseases have been more prominent now than ever before in our human history. Over 1 million Australians are affected by some...
Dryness of skin could lead to mental disorder
Skin Dryness and the Mental Disorder Link: Causes, Symptoms, Complications & Natural Ayurvedic Treatment Options Do you often get itchy skin or notice cracked, dry patches? What about a pins...
Can Stress and Anxiety Cause Heart Palpitations?
Stress and anxiety are known as the epidemics of our time. These terms are often used interchangeably, as they present similar sensations and symptoms. However, these conditions are not entirely...
Liver Detox – Get Rid of Liver Problems
How to Get Rid of Liver Problems and Prevent Liver Disease with Ayurveda Liver detox is one of the most commonly known forms of detox. You may have heard of...
Men’s Reproductive Detox: How Ayurveda Can Help
Do you ever get an itch or foul smell down there that just keeps coming back? Are you over 40 and concerned about prostate problems? Do you find you lack...