Optimise your Health with Ayurvedic Nutrition
You know the saying: “You are what you eat?” We all do. But we also know that if you give two people the exact same diet, you still get very...
How Lifestyle Changes can Solve 65% of Your Health Problems
Since time immemorial, Ayurveda has realized that our body is related to the sun and the moon. As the sun rises, and the moon appears at night, our body adapts...
What’s Different about the Yatan Weight Loss Program?
The media are awash with weight loss programs and confusion reigns about which are the best. Sadly, a close inspection will reveal that they are not generally based on sound science....
The Whys And Wherefores Of YATAN Lifestyle Kits
It has long been known that all living systems, animal and plant, are subject to rhythmic changes. The most obvious of these are circadian rhythms, which work on a 24...
The Key To Perfect Health
Ask anybody what they consider to be the best way to perfect health. The chances are that the answer will be a good diet and plenty of exercises. In fact,...
Factors That Influence Health In Ayurveda
How many factors determine our health? We should start by defining the word health; it implies not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state in which one’s...
Stress – Your Ayurvedic Treatment Plan
Stress used to be a term used mainly by physiologists, who would measure its effects in laboratories. Nowadays most of us in the western world seem to be always working...
Going Along With Nature – Respect Your Natural Urges
The human body is very like a computer in many ways. It has long been known that our physical, mental and emotional patterns are not random, but undergo cyclical changes....
Autoimmune Diseases Disorders | Immune Deficiency System Disorders Diseases
My Body Is Killing Me Autoimmune disease or autoimmune disorders is the term used to describe any one of a great variety of immune system disorders that have attained epidemic...