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By Raman Das Mahatyagi Published January 4, 2018 in

Treating Blood Pressure, the Ayurvedic Way


Ayurvedic treatment for blood pressure

Over six million Australians, or around 30% of our adult population, suffer from high blood pressure. It is one of the most common problems in the modern era.

What is Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is the pressure of the circulation of blood through our blood vessels and arteries. Normal pressure ranges from 120/80-90. When pressure falls outside these ranges it is said to be either hypotensive (too low) or hypertensive (too high).


Commonly known as high blood pressure, this occurs when blood pressure is higher than the normal range. This means that the blood must push too hard to move around the body, increasing the wear and tear on our blood vessels and heart.

Symptoms of Hypertension:


Commonly known as low blood pressure, meaning that the circulation is slow and sluggish. It tells us that the body isn’t getting enough blood, and the heart doesn’t adequately circulate blood to various regions of the body.

Symptoms of Hypotension:

  • Feeling dizzy, light-headed or fainting
  • Blurred vision
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Nausea
  • Confusion

Treating High Blood Pressure, the Standard Way

The standard treatment for high blood pressure is an increasing prescription of different blood pressure stabilising drugs. The story often goes a little like this: you find out you have high blood pressure, and then your doctor prescribes blood pressure pills. That pill may or may not work, and usually treatment results in more pills being prescribed. After a while, it isn’t unusual for you, the patient, to be on more than three different kinds of drugs to stabilise your blood pressure. Taking such a cocktail of tablets then leads to other side effects and problems, such as growing arthritic complaints. After a while you are totally dependent upon a complex regimen of medications just to stay healthy.

You might think that all these drugs would cure you, but that isn’t the case. Even stopping your medication for one day can cause feelings of restlessness, one of the first signs of hypotension. Quickly, the other symptoms become noticeable again.

It is a vicious cycle that has no end. That is why here, at Yatan Ayurvedic Holistic Centre, we say that the use of medication for blood pressure stabilisation is an incomplete treatment.

Treating High Blood Pressure, A Complete Approach

The only way to be free of blood pressure problems is to fix the underlying cause permanently. Yatan treatments that can repair the damage, resolve the problem, and even stop blood pressure issues arising in the first place.

When blood cells, the network of nerves and the arteries become stiff, it results in irregular blood flow. While low blood pressure is not as dangerous as high blood pressure, both should be treated as soon as it comes to your attention, because for the body to work optimally, blood pressure must be stable and well regulated.

At Yatan Ayurvedic Holistic Centre, we use a number of methods applied together to prevent irregularities in the circulatory system. We manage your diet, assist your flexibility through yoga practice, provide herbal formulations that can cleanse and extract toxins from your body, and create an individually customised health program for your personal requirements, because everybody is unique. These practices, when taken together, help the lymphatic system to feel lighter and blood pressure to stabilise in time.

When we talk about permanently fixing the underlying reasons for high blood pressure, one size does not fit all. There are various conditions that lead to high blood pressure, and eventually heart attack, like old age, stress, hormonal imbalances, obesity, or even being too skinny or underweight. That is why here, at Yatan Ayurvedic Holistic Clinic, we assess all the underlying factors and tailor a precise treatment for each patient.

So, while in acute cases of hypotension medical assistance from your GP or specialist doctor is absolutely necessary, the use of Ayurvedic treatment can support all blood pressure treatment and ensure the best long-term outcome. For more assistance with blood pressure related issues, or to have a more personal examination of your life and your health, contact us at Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre on 1300 552 260.