Best Weight Loss Exercise Programs and Diet Plans
Men and women have different ways of accumulating weight. The process may be so gradual as not to be noticed at first. The places in which weight is accumulated also vary greatly: in some it goes to the stomach, in others to the waistline, legs or buttocks and sometimes the whole body is affected.
Wherever your weight may be accumulating, certain organs must be at the root of the problem, and the first aim in an Ayurvedic consultation for weight loss is to find out which system is in need of attention in your particular case. A common cause for the need for a weight loss programs is a slow metabolism: if foods are not fully processed, waste (ama) accumulates in the body. Other possibilities include poor circulation or sluggish lymphatic flow.
Having discovered the source of the problem the next step in the best weight loss program for you is to change the body’s physiological pathways. This is like reprogramming a computer. If the metabolism is slow we must find ways to speed it up. The liver may need to be treated to enhance enzyme activity, or to improve the processing of cholesterol. Sometimes the problem originates in sluggish thyroid activity, even when the thyroid appears to test medically as normal. Detoxification is frequently called for, particularly in cases where there is too much mucus in the system.
At the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre we can draw up a personalised weight loss plan for you, based on an initial assessment. Having established the specific reasons for your weight control issue, we can enable you to address the problem from every possible angle. A weight loss diet plan will obviously be a prime consideration, and individual dietary advice regarding what to avoid and what will help is a part of every plan. For example, have you noticed after eating certain types of food, perhaps bread or rice that you put on weight within hours? Some people lack the enzymes to process these foods completely. Your program will also include a specific weight loss exercise program tailored to you.
If weight control is a concern to you, there are many good reasons for booking an individual assessment now. The long-term consequences of carrying excess weight, apart from never feeling really well, are too many and too serious to ignore, and include a whole range of coronary and cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, liver disease and asthma. Your Ayurvedic treatment plan is your best insurance against any such problem in the future.
Men and women have different ways of accumulating weight. The process may be so gradual as not to be noticed at first. The places in which weight is accumulated also vary greatly: in some it goes to the stomach, in others to the waistline, legs or buttocks and sometimes the whole body is affected.
Wherever your weight may be accumulating, certain organs must be at the root of the problem, and the first aim in an Ayurvedic consultation is to find out which system is in need of attention in your particular case. A common cause is a slow metabolism: if foods are not fully processed, waste (ama) accumulates in the body. Other possibilities include poor circulation or sluggish lymphatic flow.
Having discovered the source of the problem the next step is to change the body’s physiological pathways. This is like reprogramming a computer. If the metabolism is slow we must find ways to speed it up. The liver may need to be treated to enhance enzyme activity, or to improve the processing of cholesterol. Sometimes the problem originates in sluggish thyroid activity, even when the thyroid appears to test medically as normal. Detoxification is frequently called for, particularly in cases where there is too much mucus in the system.
At the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre we can draw up a personalised treatment plan for you, based on an initial assessment. Having established the specific reasons for your weight control issue, we can enable you to address the problem from every possible angle. Diet will obviously be a prime consideration, and individual dietary advice regarding what to avoid and what will help is a part of every plan. For example, have you noticed after eating certain types of food, perhaps bread or rice, that you put on weight within hours? Some people lack the enzymes to process these foods completely. Your program will also introduce to you certain exercises which will help you with weight loss.
If weight control is a concern to you, there are many good reasons for booking an individual assessment now. The long-term consequences of carrying excess weight, apart from never feeling really well, are too many and too serious to ignore, and include a whole range of coronary and cerebrovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, liver disease and asthma. Your Ayurvedic treatment plan is your best insurance against any such problem in the future.
Call the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre now to book your Ayurvedic weight loss programs, on 1300 552 260.

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