Weight Loss Diet Plan & Exercise Programs- Treatment For Fat Accumulation
One size definitely does not fit all in weight loss programs. What makes it so complex is the many variations in the ways that people accumulate fat in their bodies – this creates the need for a personalised weight loss diet plan and weight loss exercise program.
Common sites are the stomach, thighs, buttocks, upper arms and neck, though in some people the whole body is affected. Cultural and genetic differences can be clearly seen, for example Asian adults are more prone to obesity around the middle of the body than Europeans, while Mediterranean’s tend to gain fat in the outer thighs. Australia is very much a multicultural country, so we find people affected in a variety of ways. There are also differences according to age and gender: men tend to have a lower percentage of body fat than women. To further complicate things, we increasingly find that a high intake of junk food in childhood results in starvation of the body’s cells, giving rise to the urge to eat more, which can lead to obesity.
It is well known that fat reserves are essential to the body as a source of energy when food is scarce or in an emergency, but it is not fully understood why fat should accumulate in one area more than another. In some cases, for example around the hips in women, hormones are known to be in some way responsible. I also believe that in many cases excess fat production is due to an overreaction of the immune system. It can also be due to insulin resistance, or to a slow metabolism which results in lymphatic congestion, causing fat to be deposited in the nearest available place. A thyroid problem can frequently be involved, and weight gain is not always the result of overeating. All these factors contribute to the complex issues of weight control and weight loss.
At the Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre our weight loss treatment therefore has to be highly individualised to provide the best weight loss program for you. In all cases it involves changing the pathways of fat deposition by improving the digestion. The liver and kidneys are also treated to optimise elimination. Lifestyle is addressed with attention to sleep, exercise and stress reduction. Other treatments might include massage to stimulate the flow of lymph and yogic postures might be suggested – these can be very effective in twisting the organs in which the fat is tending to accumulate.
Apart from its effects on self-esteem, weight gain can lead to a host of serious illnesses. An Ayurvedic weight loss programs is a positive step to prevention. Call us now on 1300 552 260 to arrange a free 10 minute consultation in our Sydney clinic.

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