Are You Always Feeling Hungry? What Is The Ayurvedic Explanation?
A sensation of constant hunger can sometimes be an indication of an underlying disorder, such as the onset of diabetes or hyperthyroidism. If you constantly feel as though your sugar levels are depleted you may well slip into the habit of snacking between meals, in fact if you were to visit a nutritionist you would likely be advised to eat something every hour or two. Certainly a lack of energy reserves in the body can be dangerous, particularly in its effect on the immune system. But why is it that people who seem to be constantly eating never seem to be satisfied, even when there is no apparent medical reason?
Having observed some friends who appeared to fall into this category I decided some years ago to experiment on myself. Although it was not an experience that I relished, I forced myself to eat exactly the same meals at the same times as these people, even going so far as to include such items as chocolate, chips, muffins, sweet biscuits and ice cream. Within one day my body started to respond in a similar way to that of my friends; I began to feel permanently hungry. On the third day I returned to my regular eating habits, and in next to no time my appetite returned to normal. My regular diet consists of three fresh food meals daily, with fruit between meals. I came to the conclusion that the foods which my friends were eating – largely processed items – contained little in the way of nutrients.
Many people seem to believe that because a particular food is light and easy to consume it must be good for the body, but in fact the majority of processed foods contain very little that is of value. I recall travelling regularly on a long train journey some 10 years ago, when I would observe people, many of whom were elderly, ordering fast foods from the buffet throughout the night. Ayurveda recognises a serious health problem in people who feel a need to eat at all hours. In fact, I have tried some of these foods myself, and found that in a very short time I felt as if I needed more.
My own experiments over the last 10 years have enabled me to confirm the Ayurvedic view that people who regularly eat in this fashion are suffering from a depleted metabolic function. Unfortunately, an increasing number of people depend for their nutrition upon a diet which consists almost entirely of processed foods. This is undoubtedly the reason behind the emergence of the west’s biggest epidemic – the so-called ‘ metabolic syndrome’, which is a direct result of consuming too many sugars and simple carbohydrates, and ultimately leads to obesity, diabetes, heart disease and a host of other illnesses.
Let’s recap the reasons behind “Why am I always hungry?”
- Your diet is lacking in macro and micronutrients which are essential for the body.
- You may be consuming excessive amounts of processed food.
- Excessive consumption of alcohol might also make you want to eat.
- You have a poor habit of late night snacking.
- Your body might not be getting proper sleep.
- Lack of vitamins and minerals may also make you hungry.
- You have a constant feeling of stress and eating food might have become a coping mechanism.
- You might be consuming too many sugary foods and simple carbohydrates.
- Consuming a low-fat diet can also make you hungry all the time.
- You may have an underlying health condition such as hyperthyroidism or diabetes.
It is interesting to carry out a simple experiment. Drink a few glasses of supermarket fruit juice; even many glasses often fail to satisfy. Next try a single glass of fresh home-made fruit juice; you should feel satisfied very quickly. Ayurveda has always advocated eating fresh foods as they are the only satisfactory source of energy for the body.
If you have been pondering over this question – Why am I always hungry? Hope this article answers your question.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why am I always hungry all the time?
Feeling hungry all the time can indicate various factors, such as lack of a balanced diet which contains all the nutrients. Eating too much processed food and refined carbohydrates can also be a culprit. Certain medical conditions such as diabetes or hormonal imbalances, or increased physical activity may lead to excessive hunger.
Why do I keep feeling hungry even after eating?
To answer this question, you have to take a look at what you have eaten. Did you eat a balanced meal cooked with grains, lentils, fruits, and vegetables? Or did you eat a meal full of processed foods and additives? If your body does not get enough protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals, it will always feel depleted, and hunger will keep coming back. Therefore, switch to a more healthy and well-cooked meal.
Is being hungry all the time normal?
Feeling hungry at regular and fixed intervals is normal and indicates that your body needs nourishment. However, excessive hunger all the time may indicate an inadequate diet or any underlying condition. Therefore, get yourself checked with a healthcare provider.
What are the two signs of extreme hunger?
The two signs of extreme hunger or Polyphagia may include:
- Intense Craving: A strong desire for specific foods which are typically high in salt, sugar or fat.
- Physical discomfort: A feeling of weakness or shakiness due to a medical condition.
How do I stop being hungry frequently?
To stop being hungry frequently, first of all, cut off all the refined, processed, and sugary foods from your diet. Incorporate a healthy diet rich in protein, fibre, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.
Is hunger a symptom of diabetes?
Yes, excessive hunger may be a symptom of diabetes. If you are experiencing persistent hunger with symptoms of frequent urination and increased thirst, contact us at 1300 552 260.
Can stress make you more hungry?
In some individuals, it is seen that stress may make them more hungry. It often leads to what people call today as “emotional eating” or “stress eating”. Stress hormones can affect your appetite and may increase hunger.
Why am I losing weight but eating more?
Unexplained weight loss and increased food intake may indicate a health condition such as diabetes, a digestive disorder, or thyroid issues. Consulting a health care provider would be the best way to know the exact cause.
What are the physical symptoms of hunger?
Physical symptoms of hunger may differ from individual to individual. However common physical symptoms of hunger include a growling stomach, irritability, strong cravings and a general feeling of discomfort.
What to eat when always hungry?
To satisfy your hunger, eat whole grain foods, lots of fresh fruits and veggies, soaked nuts, lean proteins like chicken or tofu and healthy fats like ghee. These food choices may help you in managing your perpetual hunger and provide healthy nutrients to your body.

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