Yatan Lifestyle Kits – An Investment in Your Wellbeing
It has long been known that all living systems, animals, and plants, are subject to rhythmic changes. The most obvious of these are circadian rhythms, which work on a 24-hour cycle, and biorhythms, which relate to the physical cycle (23 days), the emotional (28 days), and the intellectual (33 days). These rhythms, though built into the organism, are controlled by a variety of external environmental factors, including the activity of the sun and moon. They have great value in allowing the organism to anticipate and prepare for environmental changes and have a huge influence on regulating and coordinating metabolic processes.
Modern science is finding out more and more about these ‘biological clock’ processes, but Ayurveda has for thousands of years been aware of the importance of maintaining good health by doing the right things at the right time. A sensible car owner will make sure that his vehicle is properly serviced at the appropriate times, as in so doing he is insuring it against serious and expensive breakdowns further down the line. In fact, sixty percent of our common health problems can be prevented by adopting a similar approach. Doing the right things at the right time need not be an imposition. Ayurveda instructs us on the best foods for our individual type and the best time to eat them, and the best way to hydrate, exercise, and cleanse the body.
To do all of this requires a routine, and to implement such a routine some basic equipment is required. Our range of lifestyle kits has been designed to make the process simpler and more efficient. The body is assisted in detoxification by cleaning the tongue, nasal membranes, ears, and gums. Nasal oil drops seal the membranes after cleansing and Chyawanprash eaten daily helps balance the doshas and improve stamina. Oils are used to lubricate the joints and to make the skin soft and smooth. ‘Yatan Yoga’ provides a practical guide to sustaining good health, balance, and harmony and includes simple yoga exercises to help further in shifting toxins from less accessible places.
We have created 3 different lifestyle kits, which provide substantial discounts on purchasing the items individually. This relatively modest investment can be seen as your essential service kit which, if used routinely, will greatly improve your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and thereby enhance all the metabolic processes, greatly reducing the chance of ill health.
Essential Lifestyle Kit Premium Lifestyle Kit Ultimate Lifestyle Kit Cost
Price: $99.95 You Save $27.90! Price: $149 You Save $63.75! Price: $219.50 You Save $96!

*Discover holistic healing with a complimentary phone or video consultation from our expert Ayurvedic practitioner. Start your path to better health today!*