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By Raman Das Mahatyagi Published August 24, 2021 in

Dryness of skin could lead to mental disorder


Skin Dryness and the Mental Disorder Link
Causes, Symptoms, Complications& Natural Ayurvedic Treatment Options

Do you often get itchy skin or notice cracked, dry patches? What about a pins and needles or crawling sensation? You may even be mentally agitated or angry all the time. If you experience any of these symptoms, along with a general lack of glow and lustre, you most likely have skin dryness (medically known as xerosis or xeroderma).

skin dryness

Skin dryness and skin problems have been a plague on Australians for decades. Due to our problematic ozone layer and the fact that an abundance of fair-skin people live here, skin diseases such as cancer are on a staggering rise, with nearly a million cases being reported since 2015. In fact, two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by age 70.

But did you also know that skin dryness can lead to more diseases and complications, even mental disorders?

To prevent such diseases from developing, it all starts with taking care of your skin, no matter how ‘skin-deep’ or minor the symptoms. Skin dryness that persists is often the first sign that something is wrong, and it may even be an indicator of a more serious underlying condition.

The Causes and Complications of Skin Dryness

The main cause for skin dryness is dehydration. Naturally, you can get dehydrated if you’ve been sitting in the sun for too long, or have been exposed to excessive UV light (think tanning beds), or have suffered some kind of external burn or irritation (acute dehydration). But more often than not, dehydration is a sign of in internal condition (systemic dehydration) such as:

  • Stress or anxiety
  • Malnourishment (often due to a bad diet or organ failure)
  • Diabetes or other chronic condition
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Menopause, andropause, or any other hormonal imbalance
  • Digestive problems
  • Muscular or skeletal problems
  • Neurological disorders

Systemic dehydration can also occur due to:

  • Radiotherapy or chemotherapy
  • Certain medications
  • Ageing
skin dry disorder

And while symptoms may come and go, they must never be ignored or left untreated, as there will most likely be consequences. For example, a constant dry patch may lead skin rupture, discolouration, or even a melanoma (skin cancer). And even further complications can occur down the line affecting the entire system, from the skin to the gut and the spine, even the brain.Symptoms can then progress into:

  • Dementia
  • Mental dysfunctions (memory loss, lack of focus, etc)
  • Chronic worry, anxiety and agitation
  • Spinal problems (like vertebral prolapse and degenerative disc disease)
  • Urinary and kidney problems
  • Organ failure

This is why prevention is key to maintaining healthy skin – you owe that to the largest organ of your body.

The Cause of Skin Dryness According to Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, we see skin dryness as a sign of a lack of mucus (Kapha – the water element) in the body. Mucus is responsible for supplying the skin with moisture via the autonomic nervous system. Hence, when the skin is dry, it is an indication that the mucus in your body is either not doing its job correctly or is simply non-existent.

We will delve deeper into the Ayurvedic perspective on skin dryness and the various treatment options available later on this article.

Symptoms of Skin Dryness (hint: it’s not just dry skin!)

dry skin disorder

The most commonly experienced symptoms of skin dryness are:

  • A roughsensation when touching the skin
  • A pins and needles sensation
  • A crawling or prickly sensation
  • Cracked or scaly skin
  • Dry patches
  • Itchiness that persists
  • A lack of skin glow and radiance
  • Dandruff or flaky scalp

But there are other symptoms that may also indicate a serious dehydration problem, such as:

  • Skin discolouration
  • Wrinkles that are not necessarily age-related
  • Sagging skin
  • Extreme skin sensitivity
  • Itchy rashes
  • Drinking water does not hydrate the skin or make you feel better
  • Problematic digestion
  • Mental agitation and irritability
  • Lack of mental focus
  • Stress, anxiety, or feeling ‘uncomfortable in your own skin’

As you can tell, there is more than one symptom of skin dryness and dehydration. Similarly, there is more than one type of person prone to having such symptoms.

Who Is More Prone to Skin Dryness?

Back in the day, skin dryness used to affect older people or those working directly under the sun in scorching conditions. Today, skin dryness and dehydration can affect any age group.

beach sunligh

More specifically it can affect:

  • Individuals over 50 (due to age, hormone production decrease, etc)
  • Young people, even teenagers and children (due to an underlying condition or bad diet)
  • Those with a fair complexion (especially if they enjoy sunbathing)
  • Anyone who works outdoors or in extreme weather conditions
  • Anyone who chronically takes medication
  • Anyone who has been treated for cancer via chemotherapy
  • Anyone of the Vatadosha

And while a particular group of people may be more prone to skin dryness, that doesn’t mean that they can’t belong to multiple groups, thus increasing the risk of developing a serious disease due to dehydration.

What Is the Ayurvedic Solution for Skin Dryness?

Ayurveda, being a holistic health science, examines each person and their symptoms individually. Hence, there is no ‘one-fits-all’ solution or remedy for everyone. To find the medicine that suits your particular constitution best and have it tailored to your needs, you will have to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner.

But no matter what the root cause, Ayurveda will view skin dryness as a result of:

  1. Vata aggravation. This means that the air element (Vata) within your system is in excess, thus ‘drying you out’, particularly of your moisture-producing hormones.
  2. Excessive Pitta (fire) might also be to blame, which also dehydrates the body and depletes the skin of its necessary nutrients.

If you elect to visit our YATAN Ayurvedic Centrefor a treatment plan, you can expect the following procedure:

Step 1:The Ayurvedic practitioner will initially analyse your symptoms, body constitution, and medical history to pinpoint the root cause of your skin dryness. For those unable to attend a face-to-face consultation, this first consultation can be done by phone/live video.

Step 2:A treatment plan will then be given to you, often in the form of lifestyle changes, dietary changes, andeven the use of some of our products may also be recommended. You might also be advised to book a Panchakarma session, which is a body therapy experience that deeply detoxifies, nourishes and moisturises the skin.

Step 3:A medicinal decoction will, in the meantime, be prepared for you (this may take a few days). This medicine will include one or more Ayurvedic herbs that treat dryness and dehydration like Chopchini, Ashwagandha, Marshmallow, Licorice, Shatavari, and Brahmi.

Step 4: A few follow-op sessions may be advised so that the Ayurvedic practitioner can assess your progress and make any necessary tweaks to the treatment plant, as needed.

How to Treat Skin Dryness Naturally at Home

healthy diet

If you are unable to visit an Ayurvedic practitioner and would like to start treating the more manageable symptoms of skin dryness from the comfort of your home, you can start implementing the following:

  • Build healthy diet habits by eliminating processed foods and eating more nourishing, skin-moisturising foods. These include fruits (bananas, pears, avocados, melons, watermelons, mangoes), vitamin A and E-rich nuts (almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts), vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, beetroots, leafy greens), oats, barley, and a variety of raw, whole foods.
  • Up your milk intake, as it is rich in lactic acid (an ingredient included in many skincare products). Milk can also be added to your bath!
  • Beauty sleep is not a lie! Make sure to take a nap when you need to, even during the day.
Satvari body and face oil
  • Massage your skin daily with all-naturaloils such as our own ShatavariBody and Face Oil (for senior skin), LakshadiBody Massage Oil (for younger, sensitive skin), Mahanarayan Oil (for those who also deal with joint pain and/or arthritis), ShankhpushpiHerbal Oil (for painful skin and aching muscles) and BhringarajAnti-Dandruff oil (for scalp dryness, flakiness and irritation).
  • Address any stress factors in your current lifestyle, work environment or relationships. If you find it challenging to overcome these stresses, the Stress Management book available at our online store can offer some valuable guidance.
  • Restrict your exposure to extreme weather conditions, like scorching heat or freezing cold. Dress well and steer clear of draughts and overly damp areas.
  • Try some Yogato stimulate blood circulation that will lead to mucus production, skin nourishment, and overall systemic hydration. Asanas we recommend are Indian push-ups, Yogamudra, Uttanapadasana, and Shitli Pranayama. If you don’t know how to do these poses, you can consult the Yatan Yoga Book for beginner-friendly instructions.


Skin dryness is a sign of external or, more commonly, internal dehydration. The latter almost always indicates a systemic disorder, which is why simply drinking a lot of water will not do the trick. A more holistic approach is required, and Ayurveda can thankfully offer such treatments.

Skin dryness that is left untreated can lead to a host of complications, including mental disorders, which is why an agitated mind can often signal systemic dehydration.

If you seek an Ayurvedic consultation for skin drynessat ourYatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre in Sydneyyour treatment options may include herbal medicine, lifestyle changes, dietary recommendations, Panchakarma and Yoga. Such a planwill be tailored to your body type after a thorough analysis of your symptoms. But what is most important is to catch these symptoms early on, or complications may be severe.

Are you suffering from dry skin and dehydration and don’t know what to do about it? Contact us today for a phone consultation or book an appointment online.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to substitute medical advice. All information and resources referenced, including medicinal preparations, fitness, dietary and lifestyle recommendations, are based on the opinion of the author. Please consult a medical practitioner if you require advice or are experiencing any worrisome symptoms.