Breast Pain Causes | Breast Soreness | Breast Tenderness Before Period

Breast tenderness or Breast soreness ?
Most women experience breast tenderness or breast soreness at some times in their lives. If it is breast tenderness before period rather than a permanent issue it is rarely a cause for alarm, but this does not alter the fact that it can be very unpleasant, as even a light touch or contact with clothes or bedding can be painful.
Breast pain causes
The breasts are the largest area in the body for hormones to accumulate, and there are times when this activity reaches a peak. The most likely times are:
- During puberty – in both girls and boys
- During menstruation or just before (PMS)
- During pregnancy – especially 1st trimester
- Soon after childbirth, with milk production and breastfeeding
- During menopause

Read more about menopause – Understanding menopause and hormones in women
In order for the hormonal activity which is inevitable at these times to take place without tender breasts several body systems must be functioning optimally, as the breasts are not equipped to process an excess of hormones. The primary organs to be considered are the liver, the colon, the adrenal glands and the digestive system in general.
Ayurveda sees the problem as being accompanied by an accumulation of Kapha, so any effective treatment will involve pacification of Kapha. This involves careful attention to diet. Heavy, oily foods are avoided and light, warming foods encouraged. There is a need to reduce the intake of animal fats and dairy products, and to increase dietary fibre from wholefoods. Fruit and vegetable fibre are especially helpful, as constipation can often be a problem in cases of breast tenderness and breast pain.
Read more about Ayurveda and Diet – Ayurveda’s concept of the ideal diet
Different Ayurvedic medicine are selected according to the systems that are most in need of treatment. Generally the digestion is addressed in order to increase the rate of metabolism. In more persistent cases the liver will also be in need of treatment as it will be experiencing problems in processing hormones if its function is sluggish. Attention is often given to bowel function, and where stress is a contributing factor the adrenal glands may also need support.
Recommended treatments might include detoxification and massage with oils, of the same type as those that are used for lymphatic treatment.
Read more about Detoxification – Panchakarma : detox your body naturally
Optimisation of the whole digestive process, together with detoxification as required, will enable a normal hormonal flow to be restored and congestion to be effectively eliminated.
Contact us for help if suffering with breast tenderness or pain.
Book an appointment online at YATAN Holistic Ayurvedic Centre or Call1300 552 260.

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