Yoga Therapy – Bringing Better Health To All
Yoga is the term given to a set of physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines which originated in ancient India. The foundations of yoga philosophy were first written down about 200 years A.D. and are a blueprint for uniting body, mind and spirit, in order to live in peace, good health and harmony with the greater whole. Hindu monks brought these practices to the west in the late 19th century.
Until the middle of the 20th century yoga was considered to be a practice of meditation with strong religious connections, and was thought to be strictly for yogis. However, since the 1950s more than 3000 studies on meditation have confirmed its immense value as a therapeutic tool, and by the 1980s yoga had become popular throughout western society not purely as a spiritual practice but also as a system of health exercises with valuable physical and mental health benefits. One of the main reasons for its strong appeal is undoubtedly the fact that the western lifestyle has become infinitely more sedentary. A huge percentage of the population sit in offices all day or stay in hotels, and travel is generally by car or by public transport, with little walking or other form of exercise. To address the issue of stress in the workplace, Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre plans to introduce online yoga classes and yoga courses that will provide online yoga training and yoga online therapy to help keep you fresh and active at regular intervals while working.
Less movement means more clogging and many of today’s ailments stem from lack of use of the body. There are millions of yoga poses (asanas); these serve to exercise all the muscles, bones, ligaments, cartilages and body tissues, with their infinite angles of movement. This has great benefit for all the organs and systems.
Yoga can be regarded as having three main components: physical (organic), cellular, and mental (emotional).
- The flexible aspect relates to the maintenance of flexibility; this is achieved through the asanas.
- Cellular health is largely addressed through the various breathing exercises (Pranayama) which encourage removal of toxins from the system.
- Mental and emotional balance is achieved through meditation; this rebalances our biorhythms and enables us to calm our minds and gain a clearer picture of our lives. Yoga nidra is also fantastic at rebalancing the mind.
In addition to maintaining good physical and mental health yoga treatment can also be of great benefit in treating sicknesses. It has even proved effective in the case of emergencies, although it is important to have had practice beforehand, or the therapy will not be likely to work properly. It is also important to have specialist knowledge if one is treating an ineffective condition as the infection might otherwise spread.
My first experience of yoga in action happened when I was 17 years of age, spending some time with a guru. One day a visitor appeared and told the guru that he was suffering from severe chest pains. He was wondering whether he ought to consult a doctor. The guru suggested to me that I should teach the man some yoga for chest pain. I had some reservations as I had never taught anyone anything before, but I agreed and proceeded to teach him some Pranayama exercises. Almost immediately he began to feel better, so I told him to repeat the exercises 3 times daily for the next few days. The guru later told me that the man had reported complete relief from the problem, having been pain-free for some seven days. To achieve such a result at my first attempt gave me considerable confidence and served to show how yoga can produce quick, predictable results. In fact, it can even be invaluable in an emergency, although one would generally reserve it for occasions when no alternative facilities are available.
My textbook, Yatan Yoga Therapy, describes various sicknesses and yogic treatments and practices which can help to resolve them. It also includes a section on illnesses which are commonly suffered by people in specific occupations. The unique way in which this book is written enables the person to confidently perform yoga at home and incorporate yoga into daily life. The Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre is also now setting up a program of online yoga training, including online yoga therapy.
In recent times multiple studies have confirmed an ever-increasing array of health benefits which yoga can bestow upon mind and body, and its effectiveness in treating a wide variety of sicknesses.
Follow link to read more about: Yoga Classes | Courses | Training Online
For more details on Yoga Classes, Courses and Training please contact us on 1300 552 260
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