Astrology Numerology: Palmistry Physiognomy Palm & Face Reading
Seeing The Light With Tantra – Mantra Therapy
One of the most powerful Vedic techniques for emotional balance and stability is Tantra – the science of cosmic principles. It utilises cosmic sciences with the aim of attaining a state of spiritual ascendancy. This goes beyond the realms of astrology, numerology, palm reading (palmistry) and face reading (physiognomy).
Mantra refers to the use of a sound which may be monosyllabic or polysyllabic, with or without a meaning, to produce a vibration. In its original form sacred Sanskrit words were used but in whatever form it is practised the effect is to create new neurological pathways in the brain, with a view to solving a wide range of psychosomatic problems.
The applications in modern life are as relevant as ever. Everybody at some stage experiences relationship problems, or issues in the workplace which create a feeling of being trapped by circumstances beyond their control. The purpose of this therapy is to enable the victim to calm the mind in such a way as to establish a closer connection with the true self. By redirecting the mind’s energy away from negative thought patterns or beliefs it is possible to shift it into a higher, more positive, energy field. This can have enormous benefits for both body and mind. Blood pressure and breathing improve, the cells are given a chance to heal, anxiety is lowered, and the mind gains increased clarity, focus and concentration. In addition, sleep and mood are seen to improve. In this inner space of infinite calm proper flow is restored and there is an opportunity to gain a clearer vision of the way forward.
The most complete text available containing techniques to solve mental and emotional problems is the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. This contains no fewer than 112 ways to enter the universal and transcendental state of consciousness, including a variety of breathing techniques, concentration on different body centres, chanting, imagination, visualisation and contemplation utilising all of the senses. Techniques can be chosen that are most suited to the practitioner.
The message is clear: whatever you desire, know about it and you will get the answer.
What changes do you want to make in your life? Do you keep making the same mistakes and want to know where you are going wrong? Tantric and yogic techniques can provide you with practical and effective tools to put you on course. Why not book a consultation for Astrology (Tantra – Mantra Therapy)? You can be provided with an individual program of meditation, visualisation, mantra, and Ayurvedic medicine and counseling to completely change your thought patterns and put you on a new path to success.
Call us on 1300 552 260 for free consultation in Australia Sydney

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