Are You Seeking Clarity or Confirmation of Your Life’s Purpose?
Are You Seeking Clarity or Confirmation of Your Life’s Purpose?
Behind all our actions are deep needs wanting to be fulfilled. We all have basic requirements for food, sleep, air, a home to live and be safe, intimacy, friendship and family. We work to provide financial security for ourselves and family, exercise for health and wellbeing, and engage in various hobbies and activities to fulfil our personal desires.
But sometimes when we have achieved all these things, we still may feel there is something missing. We do not know what it is, but we are always searching for something more. When we are satisfied with all materialistic things in our life, why does the question arise “Is this it? Is this all there is?”
Then, our search for meaning drives us to look beyond the physical – this may take the form of psychic readings, clairvoyance, astrology, yoga, and meditation. When we delve into these themes, we feel a certain type of fulfilment. These phenomena suggest that we need more, beyond satisfying our basic material and emotional needs.
These things we cannot always see with our eyes, but we see and feel in our minds and in our soul.
This known secret is the reason that in India people are always searching for more through yoga, meditation, kundalini, tantra, astrology etc. Traditionally people in India have known of the benefits of these practices for thousands of years, but in the west more typically people would meet with clairvoyants for psychic readings.
Within us there is an ongoing searching for the soul. After fulfilment of materialistic things, there becomes more time and interest to search for fulfilment internally. In this way we may feel the need to, and benefit from, connecting with a clairvoyant or psychic reader.
My Psychic Encounter with a Clairvoyant
Some time ago I was planning to write a book that was about male and female interactions. I had thought about the whole concept in my mind, how many pages long it would be, the contents, the chapters etc. I was going to write this book I had thought about so much, but due to lack of time I was unable to. This book would have been about the natural statement of males and females. The book would have described the deeper meaning behind actions words and statements made between couples and what the long-term outcome would be. When my concept was ready I was planning to write it, but found that I had no time. The only thing I hadn’t decided yet was the name of the book and for three weeks I did not have a moment to start writing.
After those weeks passed, I became so busy that I had forgotten about the book. Soon after I had received a phone call from a long-term friend, Carole Allport. She had said that she wanted to describe something to me on the phone if I had time. She had then told me that she had had a dream about me and that in her dream I was going to write a book. She then started to describe to me what the book was about, males and females. Then she started to describe the chapters she saw in her dream and to my shock it was the exact description and concept I had for my book. I had never described my book to anyone, it was only ever in my mind. After listening to the various chapters of my book, I requested for her to write what she knew about my book. She had written what she had remembered from her dream and sent it to me. It was exactly what I had come up with for my book but never had a chance to start. She had even seen the look of the book, the design and the color and I was so amazed by this.
I had known that she was clairvoyant but at the time it was my first personal experience with someone describing things from my mind only and how our minds synchronized for her to see through her dreams my inner world.
If you want to know more details about your psychic journey, you can also contact Carole at Cup of Life.
Thanks to : Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash
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