Menopausal Symptoms – The Consequences Of Delaying Treatment
Many people believe that the menopause is mainly about hot flushes, and that when these have subsided all will be well again. In fact, the list of possible symptoms is a very long one – our menopause symptoms checklist lists 39 of the most common, and this list is by no means exhaustive.
Of course, a percentage of women sail through this time of life fairly effortlessly, but the majority will identify with at least a few of the menopause symptoms in the list. While menopause is simply a natural stage in a woman’s development, a large number of factors relating to diet and lifestyle in our modern way of life contribute to the long-term accumulation of imbalances in our organs and systems. These will be highly unlikely to show up in medical tests but as hormone levels continue to fall the likelihood of symptoms becomes ever greater. Even when there is no apparent problem, the body is likely to go into decline if the woman is unprepared. What may begin as everyday digestive issues can easily progress to much more serious health issues such as sinus problems, thyroid disease and arthritis.
Unfortunately, the majority of women tend to wait until symptoms arise before taking any action, whereas it is my belief that as many as 90% of menopausal symptoms can be avoided if the right action is taken at the right time, and it is to this end that we have developed our Yatan Menopause Program. This program needs to be highly individualised as no two people have the same imbalances, but in all cases it sets out to cleanse the system, both physically and mentally and thereby to restore a proper flow. It is a truly holistic program, addressing diet, lifestyle and exercise, and offering customised herbal medicines and a wide range of effective Ayurvedic treatments.
A holistic approach is the only kind which can possibly hope to prepare a woman for a comfortable journey through the menopause but it has additional, highly desirable benefits. Such an approach will inevitably result in an overall feeling of well-being, as well as being a priceless investment in future good health and longevity.

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