women’s health Heal and Bloom

Menopause and Divorce after 40

Menopause and Big Decisions Every woman goes through menopause. It’s inevitable. And menopause involves such a powerful change in a woman’s hormonal balance that it results in many physical, mental...

What is Peri-Menopause? And How is it Different from Menopause?

Today we are going to briefly explain their definitions, and their main differences. There are 3 different stages: 1. Peri-menopause:The easiest way to explain this stage is to look at...

Yatan Menopause Treatment Program – Restoration and Rejuvenation

By many the menopause is simply thought of as a time when a woman ceases to menstruate and starts to suffer from hot flushes. In fact, the list of possible...

Hot Flushes Causes during Menopause – Treatment with Ayurvedic Approach

What are hot flushes ? During menopause hot flushes are such a common phenomenon that a vast percentage of women have come to regard them as an inevitable cross to...

Women’s Health – The Ayurvedic Perspective

While the anatomical differences between men and women are very obvious, it is only fairly recently that scientists have begun to investigate the less obvious differences between the sexes which...

Menopausal Symptoms – The Consequences Of Delaying Treatment

Many people believe that the menopause is mainly about hot flushes, and that when these have subsided all will be well again. In fact, the list of possible symptoms is...

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms & Ayurvedic Treatment

A prolapse occurs when an organ descends from its normal position and exerts pressure on another organ. In the case of a pelvic organ prolapse any one of a number...

Low Testosterone (Libido) in Women Symptoms (Causes) & Low Testosterone Treatment

Loss of libido or low libido is a common problem, even more so in women than in men, and it is often related to stress or to life-changing events such...

Menorrhagia Heavy Menstrual Periods Bleeding Treatment

Heavy bleeding or menorrhagia can affect any woman of pre-menopausal age. It is not necessarily an indication of any serious problem, although heavy periods can happen as a result of...

Ayurvedic Treatment for Spotting or Vaginal Bleeding Between Periods

Many women experience abnormal vaginal bleeding or ‘spotting’ between periods at some stage in their lives. This can be short lived or can seem to carry on endlessly, or at...