What Do Your Hands Say About You?
Vedic Palm reading which might more correctly be referred to as ‘hand reading’, is another major diagnostic tool used in Vedic Astrology. The human hand is like a mirror of our personality.
Its structure and the shape of the fingers reveal a person’s temperament and basic nature; the lines in the hand are like a diary of a person’s life and are a source of information about that person’s past and future. Modern science has shown that the lines have been created by energy imprints from the major neural pathways and can reveal an individual’s characteristic way of thinking, behaving, feeling and communicating. They are able to change, and can be invaluable in helping to plan for the future in one’s career and relationships.
The three primary lines on the palm are palmistry Life Line, Heart Line and Head Line. The Life Line reveals a person’s heath, energy and vitality. The Head line indicates mental strength and ability. The Heart Line relates to the emotions. Other lines which indicate planetary influences are important in predicting one’s future. Strong lines indicate more powerful characteristics, while thin lines are less important; sometimes a line will be strong along its whole length, while other lines will be seen to diminish. A spider web network can reveal a lack of willpower or an abundance of anxieties.
Recently, when moving into our new clinic, we needed to call upon the services of an architect to plan some alterations. On arriving to carry out a preliminary inspection he asked if we had plans of the building. We were unsure at the time where those could be found, but he explained that without knowing the exact situation of the electric cables, water pipes, telephone wires, and all the other services he could not even begin his work. When the plans were eventually located he was able to proceed without any further problems. Life is very much like this: forewarned is forearmed.
Your hand provides a map of your strengths, weaknesses, and your challenges and opportunities in life. When these are identified you can determine what changes need to be made and what actions can be taken to achieve your goals.
An individual palm reading consultation will help you acquire this knowledge: contact our clinic to find out about our palm reading Sydney service.

*Discover holistic healing with a complimentary phone or video consultation from our expert Ayurvedic practitioner. Start your path to better health today!*