The Unexpected Benefits Of Ayurvedic Treatment
Unsurprisingly, the great majority of people who are seeking help with a health problem are primarily focused on finding a treatment that will help them overcome their symptoms. If the treatment of choice helps to clear the symptoms then it will be considered a success, but other problems that have been created by their illness may still need to be resolved. Time and time again patients mention the impact of their state of health on their ability to find work, or to enter into a successful relationship. Still, their expectations from the treatment do not go generally beyond relief from their symptoms.
For over twelve years in Australia I have constantly assured patients that the rewards for persevering with their treatment regime will extend well beyond an improvement in their health. “Deal with the health first and wealth will follow” is the invariable advice, and patients have repeatedly come back to me to confirm that this is exactly how things turned out – as their health began to bloom so did their innermost desires begin to manifest themselves.
Along with the rejuvenation of organs comes a rejuvenation of the aura. Every living thing radiates this field of energy, which depicts the physical, emotional and energetic state of the individual. It is this energy field that connects the individual with others. In illness it has blockages; the aura is weakened. As it strengthens the energy which is felt as heat emanating from the body surface can be sensed at ever greater distances.
It has repeatedly happened that patients following an Ayurvedic course of treatment have reported improvements extending well beyond mere relief from symptoms. Some improvements are obvious, such as brighter eyes and clearer skin. Others are more subtle, such as a change in body odour; it is now known that a wide variety of medical conditions can cause the body to emit unpleasant odours.
Ayurveda can provide us with a host of unexpected bonuses when it comes to dealing with any health issue. A good example of thinking outside of the box – or better still, of getting rid of the box altogether.

*Discover holistic healing with a complimentary phone or video consultation from our expert Ayurvedic practitioner. Start your path to better health today!*