
Your Constitution and Life Orientation through Ayurveda Heal and Bloom

Everybody uses passwords to access information relevant to them in various areas of their lives eg bank accounts, computers. Likewise, each individual has a password to their own body/mind, which gives an understanding about one’s health, spirit, attitudes and temperament, likes and dislikes, habits, preferences and general nature.

Ayurveda recognised this password as a constitution, which is determined by dosha analysis. According to Ayurveda, our body is made up of three main doshas (biological humours) called Vata (Air principle), Pitta (Fire principle) and Kapha (Water principle).

Goals of the seminar

  • To enable you to discover your own constitutional type (’dosha’)
  • To enable you to utilise this information In order to make appropriate dietary and lifestyle choices for optimal health
  • To show you how this knowledge can help you gain direction in life​

What will I learn?

  • Ayurvedic concept of health
  • The 3 doshas – Vata , Pitta, Kapha
  • Dosha Analysis chart
  • Self Analysis
  • 10 minute individual consultation for each participant
  • Pulse diagnosis
  • Know your future motivation through your constitution
  • How to get direction in Life through dosha analysis

What are the benefits?

Knowing and understanding your constitutional type will enable you to make appropriate dietary and lifestyle choices for the maintenance of good health, as well as enhancing motivation and giving you more positive direction in life