Our Ayurvedic Practitioners Heal and Bloom

Raman Das Mahatyagi

Ayurvedic Practitioner in Sydney at Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre

Raman Das Mahatyagi is the principal Ayurvedic Vaidya (practitioner) at our Sydney, Australia based holistic centre. He has a degree in Ayurvedic medicine, Bachelor of Science (Biology) and Diploma of Yoga (India). He is one of the leading ayurvedic practitioners in Sydney, Australia.

Since opening in January 2000 in Gordon, Raman Das has helped many people seeking solutions to their chronic health conditions  improve their health and wellbeing through the great healing powers of Ayurveda and Yoga.

With over 30 years practising Ayurvedic medicine and teaching yoga, and a background of traditional learning from pundits in India, Raman Das has a wealth of experience and expertise. With his in-depth knowledge and insight, Raman Das creates customised Ayurvedic treatment plans so that you can start experiencing a higher level of energy and vitality in your daily life.

He is a passionate advocate of Ayurveda and yoga, knowing through lifelong experience their effectiveness in promoting healing of many chronic lifestyle-related health problems. As an Ayurveda practitioner in Sydney, he diligently understands each patient and creates a remarkable, customised treatment plan for them.

Learning the principles of Ayurveda and the properties and utilisation of herbs starting at a young age from his grandfather, Raman Das has continued to explore these Vedic sciences and expand his knowledge in a practical way.

Prior to moving to Sydney and establishing YATAN Holistic Ayurvedic Centre, Raman Das had a successful International Ayurvedic clinic in Kathmandu, Nepal, and also spent many years living and teaching Yoga at his ashram (Mahatyagi Seva Ashram) in Varanasi, India.

He was awarded the post of “General Secretary, Foreign Affairs” by the World Academy of Ayurveda, New Delhi for his valuable services in the field of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, and has travelled extensively in the USA, Canada, France, Russia, Italy and Australia conducting seminars and consultations.

In 1987, Raman Das was selected from a nation wide competition and represented India as a Yoga Expert during the “Festival of India” in the USSR. He was the Senior Technical consultant for the Rog-Yoga TV serial produced by the Indian Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, and has written books on Yoga, Tantra and Indian Philosophy, published in Varanasi and widely used by college students there.

More recently, in Australia, Raman Das has authored two books describing his system of yoga and yoga therapy – “Yatan Yoga”

If you are looking for an ayurvedic doctor in Sydney, reach out to us at the given phone number above.

Books and Publications

Professional Associations

In Australia, Raman Das is accredited with:

For further information on Raman Das’ radio, television and newspaper interviews please read our Media – Articles page.

Area of Expertise

Women’s HealthWomen’s Health:

At Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre, we acknowledge the intricate nature of a woman’s body, a system that undergoes countless transformations requiring personalised care when addressing any ailments or imbalances. Ayurveda recognizes each woman’s physique as a distinct entity, taking into account all environmental, social, emotional, and other influences in a holistic manner. This comprehensive perspective forms the bedrock of our Ayurvedic customised treatment plans for women.

Menopause Relief

Menopause Relief:

Menopause marks the end of the reproductive cycle, and many women struggle with unpleasant symptoms of menopause that hamper their day-to-day routine. However, when you visit Yatan Holistic Ayurvedic Centre, rest assured that your menopause treatment plan is crafted with meticulous attention to your unique dietary habits and lifestyle elements. Our approach integrates the use of specific herbal combinations and tailored dietary advice for menopause to rejuvenate the female reproductive system. We aim to regulate hormonal fluctuations by incorporating easy exercise routines and breathing techniques. All these components work harmoniously to open up the body’s channels, enhancing the transport of nutrients and hormones throughout the system.

Arthritis TreatmentArthritis Treatment:

Ayurveda looks at arthritis as the manifestation of an excess of waste, termed ama, resulting from a diminished digestive fire, or agni.  Put simply, inefficient digestion leads to a build-up of undigested food and subsequently, the accumulation of toxic waste. If the colon is weak, these toxins can find their way to the joints. Our fundamental Ayurvedic approach for treating this condition pivots around extracting this waste from the joints and redirecting it back to the colon. Once there, it can be safely and effectively eliminated from the body.

Asthma TreatmentAsthma Treatment:

In Ayurveda, the treatment of asthma is highly personalised, focusing primarily on three key areas: the gut, liver, and lungs. Intriguingly, asthma’s origin is not in the lungs, as one might expect, but rather in the digestive system. A lack of daily routine and improper eating habits are significant contributors to this condition. Ayurvedic treatment can address these internal issues, offering a comprehensive path towards well-being.

Sinusitis TreatmentSinusitis Treatment:

Sinusitis is a major health issue affecting many Australians, with the obstruction of nasal passages hinging on a blend of internal and external factors. When you visit our Ayurvedic Centre, our proficient Ayurvedic practitioner diligently assesses your symptoms, identifies conditions that exacerbate your sinusitis, and thoroughly reviews your medical history. This comprehensive evaluation allows us to craft an effective, individualised Ayurvedic treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

Dental CareDental Care:

In Ayurveda, the dominant dosha plays a crucial role in determining your dental health. Accordingly, we can ascertain whether your dental issues are related to Vata or Pitta imbalances, and then prepare a bespoke plan to optimise your oral health. As part of our approach, we provide our Yatan Dental Kit for sustained benefits.

Weight Loss ProgramWeight Loss Program:

Embrace Yatan’s Weight Loss Program, a journey deeply rooted in Ayurvedic principles. Gain insights into how your unique dosha influences your body’s propensity to accumulate unwanted weight. The weight loss program is a holistic approach that targets not only weight reduction but also improves digestion and alters the pathways of fat accumulation, leading to overall health improvement.

What our customers say

…a treatment which was undertaken to tackle one complaint has enabled me to reach a whole new level of well-being…

When I first came to see Raman Das I had just begun to experience some menopause symptoms. I had never consulted this type of practitioner before and was somewhat reluctant to do so but a very old friend whose opinion...

by: J.W, Sydney

my health has improved enormously…

Raman Das’s approach to Ayurveda is very clear, works on many levels, and is effective. He is respectful of ancient tradition and modern science, providing  individualised and highly specialised care. As a result, my health has improved enormously. I have...

by: V O'S, Sydney

I thought it was unusual to have to put an oil all over my body for a digestive complaint…

I have 3rd degree burns to over 50% of my body from an accident when I was 8 years old, as well as another 20% of skin grafting scars, and was left emotionally traumatized (in 1978 counseling was not around)....

by: R. Dodson Leura, Massage Therapist